Welcome to the Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts(TMoFA) Ticketing Website. The Website provides services in accordance with these Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the Service). By using this Service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree, please do not use the Service. In addition, when you use a specific feature of the Service, the Service may have separate terms of service or related regulations that may be announced depending on the nature of that specific feature. When you use such specific feature, such separately posted terms of service or related regulations become part of these Terms of Service.
Registered members must be natural persons aged 20 or older. If you are under 20 years of age, you must have the consent of your legal representative to register as a member of the Service and use or continue to use the Service only after your parent(s) or guardian(s) have read this consent form and agreed to it. For children under the age of 12, your parent (or guardian) should accompany you throughout the use of the Service, and for youth over the age of 12 and under the age of 20, your parent (or guardian) should also give consent at their discretion before using the Service. By using or continuing to use the Service, it is presumed that your parent (or guardian) has read, understood and agreed to accept all of these Terms of Service and any subsequent changes to them.
1.Terms of Service
By using the Service, in addition to complying with the terms of these Terms of Service, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and agree not to engage in conduct that is harmful to the rights of others, including but not limited to the following.
- Using the service under another person's name or falsifying another person's identifying information
- Providing inaccurate personal information, or providing personal information that is inaccurate or in dispute as to its accuracy or completeness, or providing information that is suspected of being misleading.
- To use a credit card number that is forged, altered, illegally obtained or not agreed to by the cardholder for transactions.
- Upload, post, publish or store any material that violates the reputation, privacy, copyright, intellectual property rights or other rights of others.
- Upload, post, publish or store any material that is untrue, defamatory, abusive, threatening, offensive, contrary to public order, criminal or otherwise unlawful.
- Upload, post, publish or store any information or files that contain trojan horses, viruses or any code that interrupts, destroys or limits the functionality of computer software or hardware or any other form of information or files.
- Damage or interfere with the operation of the service system, or collect personal information from others without their consent, including but not limited to emails, etc.
- Violation of any legal or contractual obligation of confidentiality.
- Actions that the Service reasonably deems inappropriate.
- Any other violation of legal requirements.
2. Your registration obligations, service account and password security
In order to use the Service, you agree and undertake to provide accurate and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service registration process, and to maintain and update such information to ensure that it is accurate, current and complete. If you provide any incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate information, the Service reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account and deny you access to all or part of the Service. After completing the registration process for the Service, you will receive an account and password, which are non-transferable, and you are responsible for all activities that occur under this account, and you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this account and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this account and password. You must notify the Service immediately if you suspect that your account has been compromised or if any other security issues occur.
3. Your content
The rights to any information you upload, input or provide to the Service remain with you or your licensors. However, by uploading, inputting or providing any information to the Service, you agree to authorize the Service to use, modify, distribute, disseminate, reproduce or publicly display such information to the extent necessary for the purposes for which the Service is provided, and you may sublicense the foregoing rights to others to that extent. If you do not have the legal right to authorize others to use, modify, distribute, disseminate, reproduce or publicly display a material and to sublicense such rights to third parties, please do not upload, input or provide such material to the Service without authorization. You also warrant that the use, modification, distribution, dissemination, reproduction, public display or sublicensing of such information by the Service will not infringe upon the rights of any third party, or you shall be liable for damages to the Service.
4. Service changes and termination
You agree that the Service reserves the right to modify, restrict access to, temporarily or permanently discontinue the Service (or any part thereof) at any time without notice. The Service shall not be liable to you for any modification, restriction of use, or temporary or permanent discontinuance of the Service, and you shall not be entitled to any damages for any modification, restriction of use, or temporary or permanent discontinuance of the Service.
5. Online transaction notice
When a member completes the online order process, the Company will automatically send you a notification letter via email. This notification only means that the Company has received the order message, but it does not mean that the transaction has been completed and the Company reserves the right to accept or reject the order. Members can check the status of their orders on this website. By using this service to complete the order process, the Member has made an offer to purchase and agreed to the terms and conditions or restrictions of the transaction as stated in these terms and conditions and on the website. If the member's personal information (e.g. address, telephone number, etc.) is changed after the order is placed, the member should immediately go online and make changes. If there is any doubt about the online transactions made by the member using this service, the electronic transaction records of the Company's computer system shall prevail. If any transaction information is found to be incorrect, the Company shall be notified immediately to assist in handling the situation.
6. Links to other sites
The Service or third parties may provide links to other websites or Internet resources. The fact that you may be linked to a website operated by another party does not mean that the Service is in any way affiliated with that party. The websites operated by other parties are the sole responsibility of those parties and are beyond the control and responsibility of the Service. The Service makes no warranty as to the suitability, reliability, timeliness, validity, accuracy or completeness of any search results or external links. You also agree that the Service shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your linking to a site that is not part of the Service.
7. Disclaimer of warranties
You expressly understand and agree that the Service and software are provided without any express or implied warranties, such as, for example, completeness of rights, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of others' rights. the service and software are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and your use of the service and software is at your own risk. The Service is provided on an "as is" basis and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, as to its performance, speed, completeness, reliability, security, accuracy, etc. The Service is provided on an "as is" basis and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, as to its performance, speed, completeness, reliability, security, accuracy, etc. The Service does not guarantee that the information transmitted by the Service's web pages, servers, domains, etc. or their contents will not contain computer viruses or other harmful substances; nor does it guarantee that the transmission and storage of files or information will be correct and free from disconnection or error. The Service shall not be liable for any damage caused by the failure, loss or error in the transmission or storage of such files or information. You agree that the electronic data stored in the database of the Service shall prevail over all information recorded in the course of using the Service, and in the event of any dispute or litigation, such electronic data shall be used as the standard of determination. You also understand that the information content of commercial advertisements and service activities posted on the Service is provided by the advertisers or service activity providers, and the Service is only a medium to provide the posted content. The Service does not guarantee the transaction process or the service activity itself. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of specific warranties. Whenever permitted by law, we exclude all warranties.
8. Limitation of liability
To the extent permitted by law, you may only seek compensation for direct damages, and the Service shall not be liable for other damages such as consequential, lost profits, special, incidental, indirect or punitive damages. The Service's total liability to you for any claim will not exceed the total amount paid by you for using the Service.
9. Information of the collection, processing and use of personal information
In order to provide good service and satisfy your interests, we collect and process personal information such as your name, title, address, work address, home phone number, mobile phone number, account number, mailing address, e-mail address, record of providing online identity authentication or application for inquiry service, and any other personal identifiable information for the necessary purposes. The Service has established a strict data security management system and will use the Internet, e-mail, paper, fax and other legal means as long as it does not violate the purpose of collection. In addition, we may view or provide your personal information to judicial authorities, competent authorities, or third parties who submit appropriate evidence that their rights have been violated, in accordance with laws and regulations, orders from judicial and administrative authorities, to maintain the normal operation and security of the Service, to protect the legitimate rights of other users or other third parties, and to manage and maintain quality. Except for the above cases, the Service will not disclose your personal information to any third party outside the Service without your consent. You may access, review, copy and modify your personal information at any time. If you wish to delete your Service account or related personal information, please contact the Service. If you feel that you need to adjust the services we provide in the future, you may call us to request an inquiry, supplement, correction or discontinuation of services.
10. Copyright protection and infringement handling
All contents of this service are protected by copyright. If you wish to quote or reproduce the contents, you must obtain the prior written consent of the Service or other right holders in accordance with the law, unless expressly permitted by law. You shall be liable for damages in the event of a breach. You are obligated to respect intellectual property rights and shall be liable for damages (including but not limited to court costs and attorney's fees) for any violation of the Service.
The Service respects the copyrights of others and requires that you use the Service to respect the copyrights of others as well. Under the principle of respecting intellectual property rights, you agree that when using the Service, you must own the intellectual property rights related to the work itself and guarantee that the work itself does not violate copyright laws and other regulations. If your use of the Service involves any infringement of copyright, the Service may be suspended in whole or in part. The Service may also refuse or terminate all or part of the Service if you are involved in a serious infringement. If you believe that your copyright has been infringed, please provide the following information to the Service by e-mail: service@npm.gov.tw
The Service may suspend or terminate the account of a potentially infringing user.
- Your correct information and contact information, and your agreement to provide it to the respondent in the event of a dispute.
- Proof that you can legally represent the copyright owner.
- The name and description of the infringing work and the copyrighted work.
- A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use is not legally authorized or permitted by law.
- You represent that you are aware of your liability for misrepresentation and that the information contained above is true.
11. Compensation
You agree to hold the Service and its agents and employees harmless from any claim or demand by any third party arising out of or resulting from your provision, posting or transmission of User Content through the Service, your use of the Service, your connection to the Service, your violation of the terms of service, or your violation of any rights of another. You agree to indemnify the Service and its agents and employees for damages (including but not limited to court costs and attorneys' fees) if the Service and its agents and employees are damaged by your actions.
12. Rejection or termination of membership
The Member agrees that the Service may terminate the Member's password, account (or any part thereof) or use of the Service (or any part thereof), or remove and delete any Member Content from the Service for any reason, including but not limited to lack of use, or violation of the express provisions and spirit of the Terms of Service, based on the consideration of maintaining transaction security. In addition, the Member agrees that the Service shall not be liable to the Member or any third party if the use of the Service (or any part thereof) is terminated.
13. System interruption or malfunction
If there is an interruption or malfunction of this website, it may cause inconvenience, loss of data, errors or other financial losses to you. This website will not be liable for any damages caused by your use (or inability to use) of this service, except for intentional or gross negligence.
14. General terms
These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and the Service with respect to your use of the Service and supersede any prior agreements between you and the Service with respect to the Service. Unless otherwise provided by law, disputes regarding the interpretation and application of the terms of service and the terms of service shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, with the Keelung District Court of Taiwan as the court of jurisdiction.
The failure of the Service to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms of Service is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the parties agree that the court shall endeavor to give effect to the parties' good faith intent as expressed in the preceding provision, and that the other provisions of these Terms of Service shall remain in full force and effect.
We may revise these Terms of Service in accordance with changes in the content of the Service or the application of new relevant legal provisions, and will post a notice on the Service. Please check the Terms of Service periodically and stop using the Service if you do not agree with the revised Terms.